


React interview questions

React interview questions

Ragav Kumar V

Ragav Kumar V

Jan 12, 2023 · 2 min read

  • What is a lifecycle method in React?
  • How will you convert a class-based to a function-based component in react?
  • How do you manage state in Component?
  • Redux middleware? Topic - Saga and Thunk.
  • Why do we need middleware in redux implementation?
  • Why do we need typescript instead of javascript?
  • Explain the use case with typescript?
  • Do you know server-side rendering in react?
  • How to style a component in react?
  • Have you used any library in react? Explain in detail.
  • In Material UI what does the makeStyle function do?
  • Can we use multiple className in the same object for Material UI?
  • What is your testing strategy?
  • The app should have bi-lingual support - English & Hindi - so what will be your approach in react?
  • Have you worked in CMS (Connect Management System)?
  • How do you manage projects and any tool that you have used for the same?
  • Are you following any agile method in the project? Explain if yes.
  • Do you have any experience in DevOps?
  • What are the Hooks you have used?
  • What is the purpose of useCallback?
  • How would you be able to achieve componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate & componentDidUnMount in functional based component?
  • What are Pure Components and list their purpose?
  • What are Higher Order components?
  • What HOCs have you used?
  • Have you used Context API?
  • Already have state management in React, so why go for Redux?
  • How does Redux works?
  • What is Virtual DOM and how it works?
  • What is the JavaScript Engine used in Chrome?
  • Why do different browsers have different engines?
  • Why do we use useState, why can't directly we set the state?
  • How to set default values to the props?
  • What are mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps?
  • Where do you define the reducers?
  • Are you using reducers, how to use multiple reducers?
  • Multiple reducers, how your component will identify which reducer gets called?
  • Explain FLUX Architecture?
  • Difference between FLUX & REDUX

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