


this keyword

Brief on this keyword

Ragav Kumar V

Ragav Kumar V

Aug 20, 2022 ยท 1 min read

  1. this requires context (book)
  2. this is a reference word
  3. until the function is called this does not point to anything

Key name & value name must be same

const student = {
firstName: "Vishy",
lastName: "Anand",
fullName: function () {
return `${this.lastName}, ${this.firstName}`;
// until the function is called `this` does not point to anything

student. -> this

const student2 = {
firstName: "Nihal",
lastName: "Sarin",
fullName: student.fullName,

  1. call - passing arguments by comma separated
  2. apply - passing arguments as an array
  3. bind - always returns a new function

const student4 = {
firstName: "Gukesh",
lastName: "Dommaraju",
const intro = function (state, country) {
return `${this.lastName}, ${this.firstName} is from ${state}, ${country}!!!`;
console.log(, "TN", "India"));
// Dommaraju, Gukesh is from TN, Indian!!!
console.log(intro.apply(student4, ["TN", "India"]));
// Dommaraju, Gukesh is from TN, India!!!
const gukeshIntro = intro.bind(student4);
console.log(gukeshIntro("TN", "India"));
// Dommaraju, Gukesh is from TN, India!!!

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